Physiotherapy will involve a comprehensive assessment to understand why you're feeling what you feel.

An assessment includes the physiotherapist asking questions and doing a physical assessment of your movement. After the assessment, follow-up appointments help keep progress moving forward to help you reach your goals. Our team brings experience, inquiry, and a commitment to building from the roots up.

Still have questions? Please contact us!


Start Your Journey To Recovery Today

Whether you're seeking to manage a chronic condition, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to strive further toward your goals, our team will make sure your first steps are in the right direction.

Get started by booking an appointment or contact our team today and learn more about how we can help.


With ICBC or WCB claims, ensure that you have a claim number and we will help you navigate the process. ICBC preapproves physiotherapy treatment to start within three months after the date of the accident. If you have been in an accident, know that you are also covered for kinesiology, massage therapy, and other services.